Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Move: Day 3

After waking up, we had a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, and English muffins and a long lazy morning of chatting with friends Scott and Jen. We eventually dragged ourselves away for the lengthy commute (about 30 minutes) to my Aunt’s house in Darby, Montana.

We got to her house and promptly climbed into the car with her and her partner Mike. They drove us about an hour away to a little town called Wisdom. Along the way we passed through miles of burnt out forest – apparently from a forest fire several years ago.

In Wisdom we stopped for lunch at the Antler Saloon. Wisdom is a tiny little town and the saloon is a small place, with a few locals tucked in at the bar. We ordered a pizza and my word! It was one of the best pizzas I’ve ever had. I was really impressed.

After lunch we went to the Big Hole battle monument. In 1877 a band of Nez Perce was camping there and the American army caught up to them and there was an awful battle in which a lot of people were killed on both sides.

After returning home, Jeremy and I went snowshoeing up the hill behind the house. It had begun snowing and as we came out of the house there were two deer right outside the door nibbling on grass under a tree.

Dinner was buffalo burgers and squash and lots of conversation about living on a farm, owning chickens and goats, and how to take care of them. My aunt doesn’t have any animals now, but she had a lot when I was growing up.

We fell into bed, looking forward to our travels near Yellowstone on Day 4.


  1. When I was a kid, the Nez Perce were my favorite First Nation group. They originated near where our land was in S. Oregon. I believe the location you visited is where Chief Joseph made the famous pacifist declaration, "I will fight no more forever."

  2. that pizza looks amazing, so going to ask aunt laurie to take us when we visit, yum!
