Saturday, August 30, 2008

Preservation update

I haven't posted about any preservation activities since July - but that doesn't mean we haven't been spending every weekend slaving in a hot, humid kitchen with all four burners going, canning and drying and blanching and freezing from morning till night. 'Cause, that's what we've been doing...

When I came back from Iowa Yearling Meeting Jeremy was just putting the finishing touches on his weekend project: curried bread & butter pickles, cauliflower chipotle pickles, and a few jars of red cauliflower and garlic...

In following weekends we dried a ton of our cherry tomatoes from our garden...

... made some chicken stock from chicken feet we bought at the farmer's market (we called it chicken jello when it was done - so gelatinous!)...

...we bought a ton of rattlesnake beans, shelled, blanched, and froze them...

...we bought a ton of edamame on the bush, blanched and froze them...

...Jeremy made some beautiful sun-dried tomatoes in the oven...

...we made corn relish with a ton of sweet corn we picked up at the farmer's market...

...Jeremy picked another huge batch of crab apples from the neighbors tree and we made a ton of apple jelly.

Today we picked up about 30 pounds of tomatoes at the market, which we'll combine with the pounds of tomatoes that came in the CSA and we'll probably can some, freeze some, make some salsa, make some ketchup, make some tomato paste....

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