Thursday, September 11, 2008


We recently bought a ton of tomatoes from one of our favorite farms at the Mill City Market - Loon Organics. In addition to freezing, canning, making salsa and tomato paste, we also made ketchup (which I like to call catsup, just to be silly).

We started out with 12 1/2 pounds of tomatoes, skins removed:

About 15 minutes later it looked like this:

After cooking down a bit, I strained out the seeds and bits of other stuff. We had also sauteed a couple onions and we pushed that through the sieve as well.

We put the pot of tomato and onion pulp on to boil at 5:30:



8:30 and there is tomato splattered all over everything:

After about another hour we added some vinegar that had been steeping with spices, let it boil some more, and canned these four jars of catsup!

I don't really like ketchup and I'm not sure how much Jeremy likes it, but it was fun to make and I'm willing to try some someday - maybe on some fried potatoes. Unfortunately, this recipe left our whole house smelling like vinegar!


  1. Hi guys, this is one of "your farmers", Loon Organics, from the Mill City market! I loved reading about all your preserving adventures and perhaps, mis-adventures... It's cool to see what happens to the produce once people take it home. Especially since we know you guys must have some projects in mind with all the tomatoes you buy. We had several jars of tomatoes break while we were canning last season, and it freaked us out enough to buy some new batches of mason jars. So far so good.

    Amazing preservation work though!
    Our farm blog is at

    See you soon at the market!
    laura and adam

  2. Hi Laura & Adam! Glad you got a chance to come by. Thanks for sharing your blog too. It's great to see photos of your farm and read about your news. (Congrats on the new farm!)

    see you soon...
