Monday, December 1, 2008

I'm dreaming of a green Christmas

My family used to tease me saying that I learned to wrap presents from my grandma: using tons of tape! And also a lot of knotted ribbons and bows that are impossible to untie. Opening a gift was like trying to get into Fort Knox. They still let me wrap many of the Christmas presents though because I was really good at wrapping. After I went off to college, I would return home and a family member or two would direct me to different areas of the house to secretly wrap most of their gifts.

Everything changed the Christmas of my Junior year. I worked during Christmas break so I didn’t get home till Christmas Eve day. I brought my gifts home and quickly wrapped them up. I also wrapped several other gifts that my mom hadn’t had time to wrap. Everything was wrapped and ready to go by the time we went to bed that night.

Christmas morning we surrounded the tree and spent a couple hours unwrapping gifts, oohing and ahhing over gifts, and enjoying the morning. After it was over, we gathered up the torn paper, bits of ribbon and bows, stuffed it all in garbage bags and took it down to the dumpster.

And that’s when I saw it: the dumpster overloaded with unwanted boxes, the remains of Christmas celebrations, and wrapping paper, tons of wrapping paper. The dumpster was overflowing with garbage. I looked at the trash I was carrying and realized much of it had been pristine, still on the tube, less than 24 hours ago. I was overwhelmed by the incredible amount of waste. I resolved to change right then and there.

Next year, I thought, I’m going to find a different way to wrap gifts. I settled on using fabric for wrapping. You can purchase some great looking holiday-themed fabric on sale after the holiday season. The first year I didn’t do anything to my scraps of fabric – just wrapped them around gifts and tied the fabric in place with ribbons. My family was very doubtful – and no doubt thought I was a bit crazy. But then my mom caught on and the next year she sewed some of the fabric into bags so it was easier to wrap some items. She also got more fabric and some fancy ribbon from the fabric store. It took a couple years but now most of our gifts are wrapped in fabric.

Clean-up is amazing. We just shake out the fabric, fold it up, and put it back in a box to be used next year. There are still a few paper-wrapped packages because my brother loves ripping and tearing, but I at least haven’t bought a single roll of wrapping paper in almost 10 years.

You too may like ripping and tearing your gifts open, but I encourage you to try some alternative wrapping solutions for at least a few gifts this year. According to Natural Built Home, “If every family wrapped just three gifts this way [that is, not using standard wrapping paper], it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields.” They suggest wrapping presents with old maps, the comics section of a newspaper, or children's artwork. Some people use plain brown paper and affix recycled greeting cards to the front or beautiful pictures cut out from magazines.

There are others who go farther and recommend a Buy Nothing Christmas, or buying goats and chickens for others on behalf of your loved ones (Heifer International, World Vision, and others offer many choices).

I've also heard the suggestion to "give experiences" instead of stuff: tickets to a show, time spent together at a special place, massage, etc. You can also give gift certificates for services you can provide: babysitting, fixing bikes, computer help, etc. This is a great way to help create good memories and not piles of packaging and junk.

If you still like the idea of giving actual things to your loved ones, consider making gifts or buying homemade gifts from local artists. Here are a couple lists to get your creative juices flowing:

A Do-it-yourself Christmas
How to Make Your Own Christmas Gifts
Home-Made Gifts
Christmas Gifts You Make Yourself

Don't forget to wrap these in fabric or recycled paper!


  1. Mom also uses brown paper bags from the store for wrapping paper. She calls it Quaker wrapping paper. It makes the brother happy. He can tear paper and it doesn't cost anything.

  2. Bravo! I also cringe at the amount of waste we produce wrapping gifts at Christmas time. Ever since I was in High School I've been using recycled paper grocery bags, ribbon scraps, and a bit of handcrafted painting or collage to wrap & decorate gifts. The creative process is always rewarding. Now if I could only get my family to do it as well...
