Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Scraping Ice

We've been collecting ice scrapers since we moved here. We got one somewhere (probably before we started the long drive here), then I picked up a freebie at a conference. I realized that one with a brush would be nice for brushing off loose snow - and it has been great.

But three ice scrapers!? Surely no one needs that many!

This last Saturday we were out in the farmlands at a conference and we had freezing sleet or rain or something. Everything was encased in ice when we emerged from the conference. It took three of us (a friend came with us) using all three of our scrapers to get the windows free.

I took a break for a minute to get this video:

We'd better get some more scrapers in case we have more than one friend along next time!


  1. Aren't you glad now that we moved from Seattle?

  2. Uh, yes. Yes I am. Hated dealing with all the pesky... temperate climate and everything...

  3. You know what the worst of it was? Having regular power and running water in Seattle. I mean, how are you supposed to prove yourself with those luxuries?

  4. I know! Surely no one in Seattle can prove their manliness (or womanliness)! They can only wear flannel and say they don't use umbrellas - as if that's impressive! =)

  5. my sarcasm meter just went through the roof. You guys are a riot. Oh, and you are so full of it too :-)

  6. That light layer was ice! Hah! here in the NW, we know what ice is - has to be about two inches thick before we break out the scrapers - that little bit you had would have melted while you were heating up the car. what a bunch of wimps...
