Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sew messy

It turns out I never told you all about my sewing room! I took all the photos in December and forgot to say anything. So, the story is, we have a second bedroom in our apartment that has been known by various names (depending on what we're looking for in the house, or the week, or the time of day): the library, the office, the guest room, the storage area, and so forth. We did have dreams for it to be an awesome library but all of this sewing has come up and we realized it would be a perfect room for that.

And my sewing mess all over the dining room (and having to move it all at least three times a day for meals) was driving me crazy!)

So, the mattresses were moved out of the guest room leaving a nearly blank canvas (there were still two bookshelves, a filing cabinet, and a dresser)...

Then we moved in a couple tables and voila! A sewing room:

I'm afraid over the past several weeks things have gotten messy and unorganized and disastrous! A couple weeks ago we did move the book cases out to the living room for more space, but it was still quite unorganized and messy...

So I convinced Jeremy to build me some shelves:

Yay - I love organizing!

So, what sewing have I been up to these days?

A doggie bed (doggie approved!):

A tie skirt for niece Claire:

And I took this corduroy jacket I got at Goodwill for probably less than $1...

...and turned it into a pretty cool bag (if I do say so myself):

And, if you notice the clothes rack in the last sewing room picture, that's a stack of mending I've been working on. I put the word out and in addition to making things like curtains, ottoman covers, dog beds, and whatever else, I'm also hemming, patching, sewing on buttons, and things like that. So, that's what I'm up to these days while Jeremy is in the coop...


  1. Aimee, I have to say I'm pretty jealous of your sewing ability. I can barely sew a button back in place without it falling off again... I am however working on improving my knitting skills.... it's taking a while since grad school takes up most of my time :o)

  2. I'm sooooo (sew?) jealous of your sewing room! You lucky lucky thing. And new shelves to organise too... ahhh, bliss =)

    Over the next couple of weeks I get most of my stuff up here out of storage so major reorganising will be going on but given how little space I have left in my room already it's going to be a challenge!

  3. Well Meghann, I'm no knitter - you should be proud of that! Every now and then I think about taking it up but I just haven't had the time. Or really the inclination. I think I'll have to learn some rudimentary idea of it since people are starting to talk about darning socks - which I imagine looks somewhat like knitting. =)

    I recommend wall-to-wall shelves Anna. It's a wonderful thing when one is in a tight space. =) I used cardboard boxes for shelving when I was a kid, and then graduated to cement blocks and pine boards. It was the height of style. =)

  4. hmm, the cement blocks and pine boards were mine. I had them in tillamook and you got them when I moved up to Salem. Which is fine,I still remember when you tried to help me organize my room and you made me cardboard book shelves. You were nice to your little sister, it is a nice memory :-)

    So, before you organized, I saw the jean pocket thingy hanging out of the dresser and a few pictures later some jean pockets just hanging out...are you going to make the jean pocket hanging things? I still have mine too. I think Aunt Laurie made those for us but I could be terribly mistaken.

  5. actually, the cement blocks and pine boards were mine. I had the cardboard box "shelving" and then I think my senior year mom got the blocks/wood for me. I remember you were so jealous! I tried to help you make the cardboard box shelves after that. I left that shelving behind when I went to college - but I got it back for my senior year in high school. I think it went back to you guys when I moved to Seattle.

    And yes, I'm planning to make those jean pocket hanging things - and Aunt Laurie did make the original ones for us. I think they're a pretty cool idea.

  6. you don't have to know how to knit to darn socks. the problem is finding the supplies, since we live in a throwaway society. No one darns anymore! I grew up learning how to darn socks so if you want a refresher (I did teach you once, but you were about 11)
