Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Decision time

Jeremy and I have been debating house color almost since we bought the house. For awhile we thought we'd do white, but then it became clear that a white house with our metal roof would just be too... white. So as we looked around at other houses we narrowed it down to two colors: yellow or green. I wanted green, Jeremy wanted yellow.

Jeremy found a yellow house he liked and got the paint name from the owners. We couldn't get anyone to answer the door at the green-colored house we liked. So Jeremy guessed. Our first try with some samples:

We looked at the colors close-up and far away and realized we did not like the yellow at all. It's just too lemony and bright for the house. We liked the green though, so I painted a patch at the front of the house to see how it looked from there.

But then it seemed like the green needed a bit more blue in it and a bit darker. So back to the paint store for more samples. On the way I saw a blue house I liked, so we thought we'd pick out a blue as well. Here are more samples:

The green at the bottom is actually the same as the green around the corner. So, we stood back from the street, and back in the yard, and made our decision. Any guesses as to which we picked? (Or which would you pick!?)


  1. I like the greens. Mostly the darker one... but then again my parents house is pretty much that color. :)

  2. I'd pick blue, but I have no idea what color you guys would use!

  3. I originally was thinking of a kind of colonial green, like the darkish grayish green of our New York (Sherwood Forest!) house, and the top right (around the corner from the others) is the closest to that. So I guess that one gets my vote.

  4. I'm glad the color choice wasn't up to vote! Even here no one can agree and we got other votes for other weird colors. People from the street can see the color swatches and they offer opinions too! We're pretty happy with what we chose though...

  5. Neon Orange! Neon Orange! Neon Orange!

    So neat to hear how you're building community on your block through the remodeling of your home. Way to go on the Kingdom modeling!
