Wednesday, September 30, 2009

the Fair

It's almost a month since "the great Minnesota get-together" ended, but I had to post some pictures anyway. Jeremy and I spent almost a whole day at the fair looking at chickens and other animals, eating our way through crepes, ice cream cones, mini-donuts (nothing on a stick!) and other goodies.

We saw lots of crazy chickens...



and the truly Minnesotan "Princess Kay." There is a court of 12 young women picked every year to be state fair princesses I guess. One is chosen to be Princess Kay - but they all sit in this 45 degree refrigerator for hours while their likeness is carved into a huge block of butter. Truly Minnesotan.


  1. Jessica (your sister)September 30, 2009 at 6:27 PM

    Butter sculptures, that is a new one. I like the chickens with the great heads of feathers. Very fun. You need some of that variety. Does the head of feathers flop as they walk? For some reason Elvis impersonations are running through my mind...

  2. Yeah, I like the feather-headed chickens but the problem with the pretty birds is they're all about being pretty - not really about laying eggs.
    I want that last one in the pictures though. She's a blue cochin. One of our neighbors has a blue something-or other, Rhode Island Reds, and a while Americauna. He has red, white and blue chickens for the fourth of July!

    Oh, and I don't think the feathers flop too much. More like they wave a bit.

  3. Oh my gosh, the video of the food on a stick was killing me! Now that Midas sign that I posted on my blog finally makes sense to me!

  4. Yeah, I remember seeing that sign when we were there (though I can't recall what it said now).
    Things-on-a-stick: it's a big deal here. =)
