Monday, May 3, 2010

Flat Stanely

Hi! My name is Stanley. Well, Flat Stanley actually. A bulletin board squashed me flat when I was sleeping one time! But it's okay, I still get around just fine. I'm friends with Ms. Burton's first grade class at Sacajawea Elementary School in Idaho. They sent me all the way out here to Minnesota - in the middle of the country - so I could see what there is to see out here.

Minnesota is in a part of the United States called the Midwest. The other states in the Midwest are Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Some people also call this area the heartland or the breadbasket of the US! Minnesota is famous for having lots of lakes. They say Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes! Lots of people in Minnesota live in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. There is a lot of farming that happens in the countryside of Minnesota.

I came to stay with a couple in Minneapolis who have a farm right in the city! It's a little farm but there is a lot going on.

On the first day of my visit I went to visit their chickens.

There are 8 chickens here and they are all different colors.

I got to check for eggs! There are two in this nest.

The man here, Jeremy, grows mushrooms. Here I am helping to find the mushrooms. They grow on logs.

Here we are measuring them to see how much they weigh.

Here we are cutting up the mushrooms and drying them.

Later I got to help make some of the mushroom logs by putting mushroom seeds into the holes in the logs.

The lady here, Aimee, sews a lot of things. Here I am helping her sew a bag.

Aimee and Jeremy have lots of space in their backyard for growing vegetables. Here I am helping them with the seedlings they are growing. Someday soon these seedlings will go outside and turn into things like cauliflower, beans, and kale.

This weekend I had a lot of fun when Aimee & Jeremy took me to a parade that happens every year in their neighborhood. Here I am enjoying a mango on a stick.

I jumped into the middle of this chalk drawing on the street so I could have my picture taken.

I took a short ride on this funny bicycle. There are three wheels and the person pedaling the bike sits behind the other people who are riding the bike.

Look at that big tiger!

This lady had a really cool snail puppet.

I have really been enjoying my time here in Minneapolis. I'm glad Ms. Burton's students sent me over here!

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