Monday, July 5, 2010

Back upstairs again

When I left for my trip nearly a month ago (ack! how time passes!) Jeremy was just finishing the closet walls upstairs.

When I came back, the walls were done!

Not only that - oh no my friends, not only that - but he had moved the pile of flooring wood from the first floor to the upstairs. I walked in the house and it was like a miracle to see the floor again. I think I might have screamed. I was so shocked. It was a glorious thing to see again after 6 months!

Now all of that flooring has to be sealed on the underside before it can go down. We're working on that now and the first row of flooring has gone down!

Isn't it just beautiful?

When the rest of the flooring is ready to go Jeremy will rent a floor nailer from our local rental place and hopefully get the whole floor done in a couple days. I hope, I hope, I hope!

Then the trim, the inspection, then finally moving in!


  1. Wow that is looking great. I have to admit to being a terrible carpenter. I am jealous of your skills.

  2. I am infinitely jealous. The upstairs of our house has been in a state of demolition for about a year now, and I have no idea when it will once again be habitable.
