Saturday, July 3, 2010

Garden update

It's been a month since I showed you the garden. It has exploded of course. =)

The beans are reaching out desperately for something else to hold onto. Must grow higher - must grow higher!

What's hiding in there?


Little baby broccoli:

Giant beans:

Little baby peppers:

And some other things of course!

This is the other garden bed, with more beans and the two squash plants.

Yes, nearly everything you see in the foreground are those two squashes trying to take over the world - or at least break out of the confines of our squirrel-proof bird-netting fence.

Jeremy was quite pleased with this salad he made for us the other day. I think some of the greens are from our garden, as well as arugula and nasturtium flowers, our dried cherries, our shiitakes, and some foreign walnuts. Love eating out of our yard!

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