Friday, September 10, 2010

Finally, those stairs

I've been meaning to post about these stairs for ages. Once again, here are the stairs before:

After looking at different paint colors we decided to go with a reddish-brown color. Just before starting, we decided we really had better prime it first. Jeremy picked up some primer and the woman at the store tinted it as dark as she could. It turned out to be a brownish-grey color. We kind of liked it.

Then it was all dry and I started painting the final coat:

And that is as far as we got with that color. One a half steps! We both looked at it and agreed it was much too dark and we liked the primer color way better! So Jeremy went back to the store and got the stair paint with as close a match as they could to the primer color.


In some way, the color doesn't even matter. It's just nice to finally have the stairs in good shape and in one color! And I guess it's nice to have the drywall patches done and the trim up too.

I didn't get before pictures of the desk, but there wasn't a whole lot to show. Jeremy has been constructing the table top for a couple days. The main piece is some plywood and then he cut a groove in the edge and notch on the rounded pieces, then fit it all together and glued it.

It's pretty fantastically beautiful. Once it dries a bit more he'll attach it to the knee wall, the supports, and a leg we've got for it. Then we'll practically be done!


  1. Glory, hallelujah! How did the inspection go!

  2. Grr - alas, no inspector! She doesn't answer the phone or return calls so you never know when she'll show up. Perhaps she had a busy week? I'm hoping she can come early next week. But in the meantime we can get it really finished upstairs - Jeremy just finished the last of the trim! So now we just have a lot of sanding to do, putting poly stuff on all the wood, doing some touch-up painting on spots that got scuffed, buffing out the floor again, finishing the doors into the storage spot, building a couple shelves, putting in rods in the closet, installing curtain rods... uh, okay, so there are a few more things to do. =)

  3. This is my first time visiting your blog and I really enjoyed your posts. Your pictures are so professional, too! I loved your quilt! I'm now 'following' you. :-)
