Saturday, October 9, 2010

Goodbye, crappy old bedroom...

... and hello brand new bedroom and office! (And hello readers - I'm back!)

We actually finished the bedroom side of the upstairs a couple weeks ago and we finished the office side just last Saturday. There has been a lot of moving around of furniture, boxes, and dust! It has been an amazing space to be in. The first day, as we were moving in and getting things set up, Jeremy said he felt like we were staying at a B&B! I'm not sure that the feeling has worn off yet.

I'm too embarrassed to show a picture of the whole room downstairs - it was so full of stuff. But you can tell we were in tight quarters.

Dismantling and moving - lots of stuff under the bed!

New bedroom, ready to receive us!

Oh you glorious closet!!

Sigh, sigh, sigh. =)

All that glorious, reachable closet space.

I've shown pictures of the nasty living room before, with a pathway down the center between piles of wood and boxes and furniture. Well that has cleared out now! All the office-type things came upstairs. Coming out of the bedroom, here is the window seat.

And the office itself (which needs a little more unpacking - and another filing cabinet!)

We put our twin mattress in there to use as a daybed. Jeremy built the desktop over the filing cabinet area and the little cd shelves. It is a cozy little spot. And the view!

And what happened downstairs? I finally got my dedicated sewing room!

Now, it's not that I've already gotten it messy - it's more that I haven't had time to get it cleaned up and organized since all this moving took place. Too much moving and too much sewing (but more about that later).

I'll get it cleaned up today though, because we're having an open house tonight! So, off the computer for me, and onto more cleaning and putting things away!
(And I promise a whole lot of updates are on the way...)


  1. Fantastic! It looks so beautiful and wonderful to live in.

  2. that is beautiful and looks EXACTLY like what I want to do with our half-story! Gorgeous!

  3. Thanks everyone; we love it too. And I love my dedicated sewing room! We're still having B&B moments. =)
    What I'm really excited for is the first rain. With the metal roof it sounds so cool up here. But we haven't had rain here in 25 days!! Crazy.

  4. What a difference a year makes! I remember what that space looked like when I stayed with you last Fall. You two have done wonders with it. Congrats!
