Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Basement pantry

In our first root cellar at the last house, we stored all our root vegetables as well as our canned things. In my last root cellar post I mentioned that this could sometimes be a little scary if things got very cold. We didn't want our canned things to freeze - and possibly expand and crack jars.

So this time Jeremy built the shelves for the canned things on the outside. We had a mess of canned goods in various places around the basement and it was a real pain finding anything.

The week after Thanksgiving Jeremy finished the shelving...

...and about half an hour after he was done I'd organized everything!

We've got the dehydrator, canners, car boys (for when we make booze some day), and lots of canned things: pickles, peaches, pickles, relishes, pickles, pears, applesauce, pickles, chutneys, beans, jellies, chutneys, jams, apple juice, chutneys & pickles! Somehow it doesn't looke like much, but those jars are all four or five deep. Behind the concrete pillar we have the apple juice, beans, and some mystery item I can't identify in the picture.

It felt very good to get everything out and organized and take stock of what we have.


  1. Doesn't that feel good? I love getting something organized. :-) Very nice!

  2. Jessica (your sister)December 30, 2010 at 2:27 AM

    So do you have any pickles?


  3. It looks great! Congrats and happy new year!

  4. Thanks! Now I'm on to organizing the office and filing cabinets - it feels great! Maybe I'll actually organize the sewing room...

    Pickles? No, no pickles here. ;-)
