Thursday, January 13, 2011

Circles, squares, and triangles

I've got three little quilts in process.

The oldest is this very simple pinwheel quilt with cute little bugs. This originally started out (about two years ago) as two little pillows. But then I realized no one buys pillows, so instead of finishing them I made one more square and sewed the whole thing together as a quilt. It is quite small though - about 24" square. I had a little bug material left for a border (as you can see) and I picked up some more fabric for more borders. I have one more border to add, then quilting and finishing.


You might recognize this from last year. It's not the same quilt though. This new one is much smaller and made from the leftover scraps of the other one. For this quilt I cut squares and then cut circles out of the middle. Then I sew the opposite color into the circle. What to do with all the circles I've got left over? This quilt! Now there are left-over circles from this quilt, but I think they're just the right size for some yo-yos. I just got some border and backing fabric for this one, so that has to go on, then the quilting and finishing.

And lastly:

This was sort of a boredom project. I needed fabric and thread for all the other projects on my plate and the fabric store was closed. And I've been thinking a lot about how to use up all the scraps and bits I've got. (Tons of scraps!) I rather like the way this turned out, though I'm still thinking about whether to make it a little less rectangular. And I don't know if it will get a border or not. I've kind of been into borders lately, so it probably will get one. And then, the refrain, quilting and finishing!

Jeremy just asked if I'd been blogging lately. Not really, was my reply. Nothing is really going on. I suppose that's not entirely true, and there are still blogs I'd like to post about Christmas presents I made and the fate of our rooster from last year, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

It's hard to get up the energy to do creative homesteady things when it looks like this outside:

Okay, it's not as bad as that anymore. This is from our big snowstorm last month. But still - 'tis the season for snuggling up inside with a hot drink and a good book - not working feverishly on the homestead!

1 comment:

  1. But you are now in the flip side of the "homesteady thing". There is a rhythm to living naturally. this is the time of year to write in your garden journal ( I know you have one, I gave it to you) of all the things you want to do differently this next year. this is the time to organize so you can do things more efficiently. Darn socks, sew up stuff, mend, fix, indoors. sand down and wax the handles of your garden implements. Soon enough will come the time of outdoors, keeping ahead of the weeds, canning and freezing and jam making. this is the time of year you get your breath, but can still be productive! As for me, I have a three day weekend ahead, and Monday in Salem is supposed to be partly sunny and 53 degrees. Time to finish cleaning out the raised beds, and dig in the fertilizer for the bed where the asparagus will go. You would move to Minnesota.... (are the chickens under all that snow?)
