Sunday, April 3, 2011

Zombie chickens

Let me explain.

I make these chicken tea cozies. People love them! Well, at least they love looking at them; not buying them. Whatevs. They started out with me trying to jazz up some really boring tea cozies I'd made. Every so often I'll dig out a couple of these boring cozies and make all the parts to turn the cozy into the "excited chicken!" cozy: comb, beak, wings, and eyes.

That's been my afternoon project today (in preparation for an art show I'll be at later this month!). I like to line up the chickens and pin on all the different parts and then sew them all on at once. I just had the eyes left to do. They're made of felt so they stick to the face of the chicken - which I do just to make sure I don't cut out too many.

And I keep one finished cozy on hand to compare placement, size, etc. So I'm cutting out these eyes and slapping them on, then I look up and realize, "This looks like a band of zombie chickens about to do some harm to that poor finished chicken!"

And, of course, I had to blog about it. =)


  1. I think the zombie chickens might be perfect company from the (yard art) reindeer that I'm borrowing to stand guard at the entrance to the craft area. They seem to have similar personalities, though not having seen them in person, I may have done them an injustice!

  2. I like them. Very cute, even if they are the undead.

  3. Can you make me a bottle cozy for Kombucha?

  4. Hi Daniel - I'm sure I could make you such a cozy. Send me an email: aimee (dot) mcadams (at) yahoo (dot) com
