Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Another day, another blog

In the long and glorious tradition of people who have too much time on their hands (not!) I have started yet another blog.

This is the online presence for my sewing business, From the Homestead. It just seemed weird to announce on this blog art shows or craft fairs I'll be at - since a lot of my followers don't live anywhere near here! I don't want to get you all excited about some event you can't attend. =)

And I thought, "Hey, I've got loads of time (hah!), lets learn a new blogging tool!" What can I say, I'm crazy and a glutton for punishment.

In any case, I'll most likely still post about sewing projects on this blog (in fact, the new one is mostly made up of posts I stole from this blog), but I might go into more detail and I'll certainly let folks know about arts and craft fairs I'll be at.

So for those of you following this blog because of the sewing and you don't care at all for canning, gardening, mushrooms, etc, check out the new blog. =)

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