Monday, March 19, 2012


No, we don't have sheep. Or goats. Or rabbits. (Not yet. =)

Some of you may recall that I started up a blog just for my sewing sometime last year.  Seems like I've been keeping it up just as much as this one lately. But I have been inspired to do better at that (and I'm still trying to catch up with a back log of posts and pics for this blog!).

I mention this because an Etsy team I'm part of, HandmadeMN, is doing a giveaway right now of one of my sheep tea cozies.

Adorable, I know.

I know, I know: too cute for words!

Anyway, the giveaway lasts for two weeks and we're into the second week now. You can enter the contest at the HandmadeMN blog.  All you have to do is leave a comment on the blog post (NOT this blog post that you are reading right now, but the blog post over on HandmadeMN!).  There are lots of ways to enter - one of which is becoming a follower of my sewing blog, another is becoming a fan of my Facebook page. Check out the HandmadeMN post for all the ways you can enter. Get your entries in by noon this coming Sunday!

Now, I'd better make some sort of promise about blog posts to come which will hopefully compel me to write said blog posts. I'd like to tell you all about our cider-making adventures last fall; and give you some updates on the mushroom season, which is in full swing. Stay tuned!

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