Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Big changes coming!

Ooh, bet you've all been wondering what the heck happened to us?  Not too much different since we got the chickens last May.

The chickens are all grown up and putting up with winter right now. We had about 7 roosters which met their end in September. Of course we finished strengthening the chicken run and putting up fences in the side yard to fend off future dog attacks.

House projects: I painted the bathroom.

Sigh.  Back in the heady early days of buying this house, when we worked from morning to night without stopping and worked harder then I can ever remember working before - we were warned about this.  The time when you get really excited because you put a mailbox up, or hung a picture...or did something as mundane as painting the bathroom.

Mind you, the ceiling is still bare drywall, there is a hole in floor, the heating vents are out in the open, there is a hole in the wall under the light switch, there are holes in the wall by the shower that are "patched" with duct tape, and a host of other things. But isn't the paint job beautiful!?

Yard projects:  I fell for one of those DIY posts on Facebook.  You know, the one with the teaser that says something like, "This woman cut up two tires and what happened next will SHOCK you..." Oh please. She made a little pond with tires and I couldn't stop myself from giving this a try too.  I had several tires available from a failed potato tower experiment.

I dug those out (finding a couple tiny potatoes), dug most of the plants out of the backyard rain garden, and then built my little ponds.  This was in about October, so I only had a couple weeks to enjoy them before I had to cover it all up for winter. This was also an excuse to split off my Siberian Iris which had gotten so overgrown and compacted, it was starting to die. I can't wait to see what this all looks like as all the plants grow this spring.

I keep sewing and sewing (and not blogging about it really), and I took a three-week trip to Peru which was amazing, of course (and I did blog about that, here).

So, now, the "big changes."

We are very likely going to be buying a farm!  We've been day dreaming about this on and off for many years and it never seemed practical or feasible. But with Jeremy's mushroom farm it has now become pretty much a necessity.

We have been looking at one particular property in western Wisconsin (about 70 miles from here).  Everything is pretty much lined up. We are waiting on an appraisal and the official purchase agreement.  It could be ours in a few weeks give or take.

Big news! Big changes!

I will not be changing the name of my blog to "Adventures in Rural Homesteading" or "Adventures in Mushroom Farming" or anything like that, because I will not be moving to the farm.  Jeremy has a farm manager employee who will live out there and Jeremy will be there part-time, here part-time. But, if things go well, maybe we will both move out there full time some day in the future.

In the meantime, I'll post updates when it all becomes official, and try to let you know the interesting things going on with the farm. Because around here, pretty much everything revolves around the new farm now!!

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