Friday, December 26, 2008


I kept alluding to how busy I was sewing, so here's what I did! These became gifts for family and friends and I had to wait till now to show it all.

For many years I've made it a tradition to make pajama pants for the guys in the family. There have been some wacky patterns (all in flannel): fish, wolves, cats, snowy cabin scenes, camping scenes, so forth. This year I made the Banana Pants for Jeremy's brother, penguin pants for my sister, and "rock n' roll skulls" pants for my brother-in-law Jeremy (and matching ones for their soon-to-be-born daughter!). I didn't make any for my brother this year because all he'll wear is boring plaid!

Made some pillows...

Some hotpads...

and some tea cozies...

I have been quite busy!!


Meghann said...

wow, you are very talented with your sewing! I've been working on my knitting, but am not quite up to giving gits because the few I did didn't fit! :o)

Aimee said...

Thanks Meghann. Well, I have been practicing for a long time, and you know what they say: practice makes perfect! =) (although - that's not always true - I keep making pie crust and it keeps not turning out!)

Anna Dunford said...

Wow Aimme, I'm very impressed! And your pyjama pattern looks way cooler than the one I have - might see if I can adapt mine at the bottom of the legs =)

I tend to make birthday pressies rather than Christmas ones - that way I get a bit more breathing space between them all and a bit of variety when plodding on with long term quilt projects (why did I think backing a double bed one with polar fleece was a cunning plan when I have to quilt it in the middle of summer???)

Aimee said...

Hmm - that's a cool idea to make birthday presents instead of Christmas ones. There are sure a lot of presents to make all at one time! Then again - I did start making stuff about six months earlier. =)

Yes - even quilting something without polar fleece for a back - I'd rather do it in the winter than the summer! =)