It snowed last weekend and Sunday morning we gave a ride to our neighbor Greg. Our car was covered in snow and I remarked that it was like we had a mountain range on the front of the car. Greg said, "It's Mt. Hood!"
Mt. Hood?
The real Mt. Hood:
Being from the Northwest I didn't get the joke at first: I was trying to compare the shape of the pile of snow with the real Mt. Hood and it just wasn't the same. Sometimes I am so literal!
This is the blog formerly known as “Northwest Meets Midwest,” where I shared about the absurdities and adventures of living in the Midwest (having moved here from the Northwest). But really, this blog has been more and more a story of how we’ve fallen into urban farming and homesteading. So read on and enjoy our adventures in canning, preserving, mushroom-growing, local/organic fanaticism, chicken raising, designing and constructing, sewing, and attempting a little self-sufficiency in our corner of Minneapolis.
It took me a minute to get it too. I'm not really a midwesterner, y'know. Karin
There was a joke? Oh, wait. I get it - that's a baaaad pun.
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