Friday, February 6, 2009

all things chicken coop

The chicks will be here in 12 days and we're moving at a seemingly relaxed pace. Jeremy got the brooder mostly finished, with an adjustable light hanging over it. (Now we just have to find a different place for tools!)

Jeremy has also been working on the doors to the coop. We had a couple unused (unwanted) doors in the basement so he chopped one down. These will be access doors so we can open up the whole hen house and clean it out (oh joy).

And, work continues on the coop. Jeremy is painting some things in the basement (with a couple space heaters going to keep it at 50 degrees) since it's too cold outside still. Though, we have had several practically balmy days in the 30s. Ah glorious spring - I know you're on the way! (but I won't get my hopes up just yet)

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