Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas, part II

As promised, I'm back with more Christmas photos! I just wanted to show off some stuff we made for Christmas gifts for Jeremy's family.

First, here is a small quilt I made. My favorite part about this is that I had almost all the fabric already on hand! I love getting new fabric, but I also really love just having what I need already there. I had to get the frog backing, but only because it just HAD to have frogs on it!

I also had in my stash some really light weight, soft cotton so I made a stack of hankies.

Remember back to October and the couch cover I made for Jeremy's sister's family? They wanted pillows to match it so I made these with the leftover fabric (and some green fabric they found). They are ridiculously girly. Victorian I believe Meg called them.

Then a neighbor down the block gave me several yards of this material and I realized it would fit perfectly - so I made a second pair of pillows for them.

Jeremy's brother got these pillows - made out of flannel. The red material came from a man's shirt I picked up at the thrift store.

Our niece wanted a teapot and tea cozy so we found this adorable set (on Craigslist of course) and I made a chicken tea cozy to go with it.

And lastly, Jeremy got a bunch of belts at the thrift store and made this cool sword belt for our nephew.

After we gave it to him he found two other attachable sword things to put on it and came out with something like 5 or 6 swords and daggers and knives and a shield (all wooden I believe). He was pretty excited.