Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A little more procrastination

I did another little procrastination project over the weekend. Not quite the same as my last one. I've been wanting to make something like this for some time.

The first Christmas present Jeremy got me was a stack of fabric and a couple ideas for quilt patterns (so sweet, isn't he!?).

I've been carrying that fabric around for years! I've been wanting to make him something out of it and recently it seemed like a good idea to make a little cover for his bedside table - to protect it from spilled glasses of water or whatnot.

Here are the pieces laid out:

And then, fast forward, all sewed together, quilted, and finished!

It looks very nice on his table - and he was very surprised when he came home and found it!

In other news, I finished one of the three quilts I was working on recently:

It's rather stunning, I think. And it's on Etsy!

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